Early Bird Dealsfind all early bird deals below - don't be silly, be quick!

Special offers for your holiday in the mountains!

Special Offers for Your Mountain Holiday!

Hurry, as there's no better way to save than with our early bird deals!


Use the code "summer2024" for the upcoming summer season, July 1, 2024 to August 29, to save 10% on the price of an overnight stay

The code is redeemable until: 30.04.2024


Save 15% on the accommodation price with the code "herbst2024" for the coming fall season, September 1 to November 30, 2024

The code is redeemable until: 30.05.2024


Save 15% on the accommodation price with the code "winter2024" for the coming winter, December 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025

The code is redeemable until: 30.06.2024